Native desktop (toast) notifications for org-mode appointments in Windows

I describe how to set up native desktop notifications (Toast notifications) for org-mode appointments in Windows 8+.

Install toast

I use toast.exe from toaster project: You can git clone the whole repo which includes the executable:

> git clone

Emacs Settings

The following is pretty much the same to You can modify appt-message-warning-time and appt-display-interval to your need:

(require 'appt)
(setq appt-time-msg-list nil)    ;; clear existing appt list
(setq appt-display-interval '5)  ;; warn every 5 minutes from t - appt-message-warning-time
  appt-message-warning-time '15  ;; send first warning 15 minutes before appointment
  appt-display-mode-line nil     ;; don't show in the modeline
  appt-display-format 'window)   ;; pass warnings to the designated window function
(appt-activate 1)                ;; activate appointment notification
(display-time)                   ;; activate time display

(org-agenda-to-appt)             ;; generate the appt list from org agenda files on emacs launch
(run-at-time "24:01" 3600 'org-agenda-to-appt)           ;; update appt list hourly
(add-hook 'org-finalize-agenda-hook 'org-agenda-to-appt) ;; update appt list on agenda view

Next, specify the path to your toast executable (note that I'm using UNIX-style path here, seems to be working well):

(defvar toast-notifier-path

Set up the call to toast:

;; set up the call to the notifier
(defun toast-appt-send-notification (title msg)
  (shell-command (concat toast-notifier-path
                         " -t \"" title "\""
                         " -m \"" msg "\"")))

;; designate the window function for my-appt-send-notification
(defun toast-appt-display (min-to-app new-time msg)
    (format "Appointment in %s minutes" min-to-app)    ;; passed to -t in toast call
    (format "%s" msg)))                                ;; passed to -m in toast call

(setq appt-disp-window-function (function toast-appt-display))

Now Emacs will use toast to notify you of upcoming appointments:


If you want to be fancier, you can show an icon in the notification as well. You can download an icon (from, for example) and modify toast-appt-send-notification by adding -p argument (you have to use Windows-style path here):

;; set up the call to the notifier
(defun toast-appt-send-notification (title msg)
  (shell-command (concat toast-notifier-path
                         " -t \"" title "\""
                         " -m \"" msg "\""
                         " -p C:\\Users\\joon\\Programs\\Assets\\Icons\\")))

which makes notifications look very nice:

